L.M. Veklych

SSPE "Kartographia"


The organization of works on the preparation for the edition and the edition itself of the Atlas started after the appropriate Decree of the President of Ukraine (August 1, 2001).

The Atlas consists of six thematic parts:

1. General Characteristic (General information about  Ukraine, information on natural resources, economic and demographic potential, transport systems of Europe and the world).

2. History (The main milestones of the Ukrainian people’s and state’s history from the earliest times, historical and cultural heritage).

3. Natural conditions and natural resources (Geological, geomorphological, climatic conditions, surface and ground waters, soils, vegetation, wild life, landscapes; physiographic and other kinds of natural zoning of territories; mineral/raw materials, land, water, forest and other biological resources of Ukraine).

4. Population and human development (Composition, location, distribution, dynamics of population, its social and spiritual situation, educational level, people’s welfare and health, and other indicators of human development).

5. Economy (Development of industry, agriculture, water, forest and hunting management, construction, transport, communication and telecommunications, financial and crediting systems, science, trade, other services;  current transformation process in economy).

6. Ecological condition of natural environment  (Complex evaluation of the state and level of natural environment pollution and separate natural components pollution, monitoring system, natural reserves fund and resources of other protected territories).


The Atlas is being edited as one volume scientific reference book. The Atlas consists of 464 pages. Format – 31,5 × 47 cm. It is planned for the maps of the atlas to have no frames, have “floating” assembly, apart from the part containing history maps and maps in the basic scale of 1:2 500 000. Besides the main scale, other scales are used in the Atlas, such as 1:4 000 000, 1:5 000 000, 1:8 000 000, 1:10 000 000, 1:12 000 000, 1:15 000 000.

Map details on each map are placed only within the limits of the main map area. General circulation of the Atlas is 5 000 copies. The Atlas is prepared for print in Ukrainian (map titles also in Russian and English). As a supplement to the Atlas a separate book is going to be edited containing the translation of explanatory texts for the maps, maps legends, additional elements of the Atlas contents in Russian and English.