
The Siberian State Geodetic Academy 

      The epidemiological background on tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis in Novosibirsk area differs by stress level. It causes an urgency of this problem researches.

      Now it is proved, that the natural locations of those or other infections do not represent a continuous areal within the limits of the same landscapes, and are dispersed round it mosaically. It is explained by various assemblages of natural factors which in one case salutarily influence on activity of natural infections virus carriers and their circulation in the nature, and in other case  oppressing or negative influence.

      Proceeding from peculiarities of mapping object, there are also peculiarities of natural hot-spot mapping. As the existence of natural hot-spot diseases is caused by a complex of geographical factors the compiling principles and methods of geographical environment complex map-making are assumed in a basis of work on maps.

      The majority of researches were spent till now without taking into account the complex characteristic of territory concerning natural hot-spot   diseases. Installation of studying was not the territory, but the disease in connection with extending and structure of its locations.

      Studying natural factors, epidemiologists have established that a presence of forest land percentage, the certain landforms and matching air moisture is necessary for a carrier of a tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis virus. Such species of a wood as a spruce, a fir, and a cedar in a combination with the higher air moisture are optimal. Northern slopes of heights and the decomposed forms are optimal in a landform relief features. The joint combination of these natural factors in one territory creates favorable conditions for formation of the of the tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis exciter locations.

      Use of the given theoretical development has been allowed making a row of maps of the locations for tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis extending in Novosibirsk area.

      The basic demands shown to these maps are their efficiency and reliability. It is necessary for perfection of organizational provisions on conducting preventive ant epidemic measures.

      Providing of these demands is attained by application of GIS - technologies.

      For a map which in a due measure would meet practical demands of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service and could serve as authentic enough information source about the nucleation sites of tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis. The scale of 1:200 000 which provides necessary detail of the image is chosen  The region Toguchinsky of the Novosibirsk oblast, being by one of the most unsuccessful on tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis disease is chosen as investigated territory.

      In a basis of a map the method of geographical environment interconnecting separate elements on one base is assumed. Three auxiliary maps were vectored  (Map of a landform, map of climatic zones and map of a wood) for this purpose on a map of  Toguchinsky region).

      The electronic map of natural factors assemblage, containing every possible combinations of a landform, climate, vegetation was gained as an interconnecting result and the analysis.

      Application of overlay operation allows automatically forming the formed polygones and according to the developed qualifier to gate out the zones matching different extent of danger on a infection risk by tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis: dangerous, less dangerous, unsafe, and harmless.

      The cartographic method allows to give potential danger prognostic estimation of territory on tick-borne [vernal] encephalitis and is suitable for mapping others natural hot-spot    infections.