J.C. Martinez, E. Coll

Polytechnic University of Valencia


The goal of this paper is to present a new open source software called PGAT (PostGIS Analysis Tools). It is well-known that PostGIS is a spatial extension to PostgreSQL that follows the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) guidelines. PostGIS is a great product but sometimes it is difficult to manage for either a Cartographer or a GIS expertise due to the complex and large SQL sentences needed to make a simple spatial analysis. First of all PGAT is a graphical interface that make easier working with PostGIS, but besides that it is a friendly framework as well where researchers can implement and test their algorithms. This open source software is programmed is Java and uses the GeoTool library to render the layers. Some of the functionalities of this software are importing-exporting data, manage spatial indexes, copy layers, make selection, manage and render views, spatial analysis operation like buffer, dissolve, etc. Furthermore some algorithms like dissolving spatial adjacent entities have been implemented improving the PostGIS