
The Siberian State Geodetic Academy


The branch cadastre of Federal Agency for Education (FAE) on derivation is led since 2000. Its creation is caused by necessity of perfecting of a system of educational establishments and the organizations, first of all, their property complexes, including the ground areas, buildings and facilities, the capital equipment.

The purpose of a branch cadastre is development and creation of system of the count of the federal property of educational establishments, assessments of its state and efficacyy of usage.

Cadastre data include following sections: the ground areas; objects of the real property and a personal property (further - the object of the count). Everyone of the object of the contains four groups of characteristics: the common technical and physical, legal, economic, ecological.

For the season of 2000-2006 great volume of the information on real property of educational establishments is stored. In this connection there is a problem of representation and analysis of the aggregated parameters of a real property state and usage for information supply of administrative activity.

Various approaches, including a cartographical method can be used for representation of the accumulated information.

It is necessary for the assigned task to execute the following:

1.    To analyze approaches existing in subject cartography and methods of data mapping on cadastral cards;

2.    To determine criteria of used methods and approaches;

3.    To determine requirements to a structure of the information displayed on cadastral


4.    To analyse functionalities of the basic geointelligence systems for compiling cadastral cards;

5.    To develop procedure of thematic maps compiling for a branch cadastre.

Usage of the cartographical approach to interpretation and representation of the information on educational establishments real estate will allow to display evidently a state, usage and dynamics on parameters change of educational establishments property.

By the present moment gained experience of compiling  specialized maps for a branch cadastre is accumulated. Maps were made by results of inquiries to a database « the Branch cadastre of Federal agency for Education ». Thus the contents of thematic cards should actuate following sections:

-      Educational establishments;

-      The Ground areas;

-      Objects of the real property;

-      Rent;

-      Rented objects.

Thus, result of activity will be the methodical basis of cadastral maps compiling for interpretation and analysis of a state and usage on Siberian federal district educational establishments real  property. It will allow to execute planning, monitoring, the count and an assessment of acting data on the ground areas and objects of the real property; to solve a problem of a supply with information of controls derivation and other departments (and, Territorial control of Federal agency on control of federal property), both on federal, and on local levels; to estimate efficacyy on usage educational and floor spaces of educational institutions. It will in turn increase efficacyy of acceptance of administrative solutions, and also a level and quality of derivation and material equipment of educational process. Besides the solution of this problem will allow to reveal gross errors at creation of the real property list and their operative elimination.

Perspective of the further application of thematic maps is development of the GIS-project « Educational establishments of Federal agency on derivation».