Welcome to the International Cartographic Association
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic AssociationGet to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
Get to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027
Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027

Education and Training Modules

A very basic start for a webpage called “Internet Cartography Teaching Courses” is available at http://lazarus.elte.hu/cet/modules/mod.htm Development of this important webpage is in its infancy.
The aim this year is to build this webpage in such a way that people anywhere in the world with the Internet can access a well designed set of topics which are backed up by courses and resources already available over the Internet, along with a new set of modules for which the first of 12 has been prepared.

The first part of this webpage is an attempt at sorting existing modules into some logical theme order. This is done at the very basic structural level. If you would like to volunteer to search for existing teaching modules from the Internet and/or redesign the interface to make it more user friendly that please let me know.

The second part is a new module that has been recently prepared which allows access to all the raw visual and audio files so that people can create their own working version of the module depending on the computer system they have. The material is copyright free and the graphics have the appearance of those which might be created on a whiteboard during a lecture. No attempt has been made to “perfect” the graphics. I invite comment on the approach taken with this new module.

Contact: David Fraser, Chair of the Commission on Education and Training
david.fraser@rmit.edu.au, http://lazarus.elte.hu/cet/
Skype: fraseratrmit
