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President’s Blog: International Map Year

In its resolution 6 the UN Regional Cartographic Conference, held in Bangkok in November 2012, recommends the ICA to organize an International Map Year in 2015.

The wording of the resolution reads in detail as follows:

Resolution 6. Usefulness and benefits of geospatial information

The conference,

  • recognizing the enormous benefit of reliable and authoritative geospatial information and maps in decision making for sustainable use of natural resources, economic development and for community well being;
  • noting the need to promote geospatial information education and training for national governments, decision makers, the geospatial industry and users;
  • also noting the preparations made by the International Cartographic Association ad-hoc committee for the International Map Year, and the support by the Joint Board of Geospatial Societies (JB-GIS) on this initiative;
  • recommends the International Cartographic Association (ICA) to organize an International Map Year in 2015.

The resolution has been adopted and included in the report of the UNRCC 2012.

At that moment the merits for achieving this resolution have to be given to Former President Bengt Rystedt and former Secretary-General Ferjan Ormeling, who provided the necessary concepts and documentations through the ICA Working Group for the International Map Year and Immediate Past-President William Cartwright for working through the UN administration.
