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Invitation to workshop Controlling the Waters: Seas, Lakes and Rivers on Historic Maps and Charts

Banner for Utrecht 2019 workshop

It is a tradition that the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography and the International Conference on the History of Cartography (ICHC) jointly organize a pre-ICHC event. For the 28th ICHC they have teamed up with the Map Collection of Utrecht University and will together host a workshop focusing on the cartography of water.

  • Date: 12 July 2019
  • Place: Utrecht University, University Library, Boothzaal and Map Collection, The Netherlands

Fresh and salt waters are a key lifeline for all civilizations but at the same time can also threaten human habitats. Over the centuries, people have ventured out to navigate and explore the waters, while also putting systems in place to manage and control them. This has resulted in numerous categories of water-related maps such as portolan charts, maritime and river cartography, hydrographic surveys, VOC charts, polder maps etc. The workshop will offer a forum to discuss this rich variety in cartographic heritage.

Call for Papers

The organizers invite the submission of abstracts for oral presentations (25 minutes plus Q&A) focusing on the human interaction with water from a historical perspective.

  • Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: December 2018

You can submit your abstract here.


The workshop is open to everyone with an interest in the history of cartography but requires participants to register. Registration will be open until the available seating is allocated and will be free of charge.

For more information on the workshop please visit history.icaci.org/utrecht-2019
