The ICA Commissions on User Experience, on Location Based Services and on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization, are pleased to announce the first call for papers on the Joint Workshop Indoor Cartography as part of the Cognition and Artificial Life Conference 2020 which takes place June 10–12, 2020 in Znojmo, Czech Republic.
The workshop considers an understudied map use context, that of using maps to navigate and understand indoor environments. As urban areas and individual buildings grow increasingly complex and people rely more and more on devices to assist in the navigation of these spaces, knowing how to design maps of the indoors well is becoming more important. It’s unclear what current map design principles transfer well to indoor maps (Griffin, White, et al. 2017), or what methods of map interactions might best support uses of maps in such contexts as well as what field methods can be used to study these map uses in ecologically valid ways (Roth et al., 2017). This workshop aims to focus attention on such issues and how we can better understand and support the design, use and wider implications of indoor maps.
The conference and the workshop is a cross-disciplinary platform intended to share and exchange knowledge between specialists in cartography, geoinformatics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, informatics, and related fields.
The deadline for abstracts is 29 February 2020.
More information will be available on the conference website.