Extraordinary General Assembly of the ICA took place in connection with ICC2017 in Washington, D.C., USA.
Final Minutes (EN) (PDF, 0.2 MB)
Nr. | Agenda item | Document |
1 | Ouverture et allocations de bienvenue / Opening and addresses | |
2 | La reconnaissance de la mémoire des membres de la communauté de l’ACI / Recognition of the memory of members of the ICA community | |
3 | Appel des membres / Roll call of members | |
4 | Adoption de l’ordre du jour / Adoption of the Agenda | FR, EN |
5 | Désignation de deux Scrutateurs / Nomination of two Scrutineers | FR, EN |
6 | Membres suspendus de vote / Members ineligible to vote | FR, EN |
7 | Exclusion de membres / Exclusion from Membership | FR, EN |
8 | Nouveaux membres nationaux / New member nations | FR, EN |
9 | Nouveaux membres affiliés / New affiliate members | FR, EN |
10 | Adoption du compte-rendu de la 16° Assemblée générale, 2015 / Adoption of the minutes of the 16th General Assembly, 2015 | FR, EN |
11 | Statuts de l’ACI / ICA Statutes | EN, FR |
12 | ACI / ICA issues (messages from the Executive Committee)Final report of the ICA Working Group of International Map Year | EN |
Voting form on the Statutes change proposals (for countries which will not have delegates on the Extraordinary General Assembly):
Last minute information (24 June 2017)