G. Origel-Gutierrez1, L. Ferrari2, J. Lopez-Blanco3

1 - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Posgrado en Geografia y Centro de Geociencias, Mexico

2 - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Centro de Geociencias, Mexico

3 - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geografia, Mexico


The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México by means of the Centro de Geociencias in collaboration with Instituto de Geografía, Instituto de Geología and Instituto de Geofísica created an electronic publication called Digital Geosciences (DG), which is an e- journal with international perspective and specialized in the web publication of Earth Sciences and Physical Geography maps (e-maps). This e-journal is the main result of a research project analysing the scientific role of the cartography especially in the publication, communication and dissemination of geoscientific maps. The proposal considers the cartography value and its scientific role in data capture, integration, synthesis and representation. DG was created to facilitate the publication and distribution of cartographic products using recent most Internet and mapping technologies. Its objective is recovering the value of the cartography promoting its publication and its recognition as scientific product. So, DG publishes peer-reviewed GIS-based maps from any part of the world although Latin America is the main region of interest. Official languages are Spanish and English. Digital Geosciences e-journal is presented as an alternative to publish and disseminate geoscientific cartography. We present e-journal conception and development, operational details and information for international contributions with the emphasis in the web mapping publication (adaptations, modifications and changes). Scientific reviewers evaluate all cartographic contributions and maps accepted are published using a system integrated with Apache Web Server, Tomcat, ESRI's ArcIMS Internet Map Server and ArcMap Server extension. Map Server interface was implementing using standard ArcIMS pre-designed output with some simple adaptations and settings. A special feature of the project is the creation of spatial data and metadata bases. So, it is required to submit GIS-based maps only. Comparing with printed media, the GIS-based on-line maps have major possibilities for distribution, they are more economic and easier for up to date. The first map published was the Geologic map of Sonora, Mexico at scale 1:1,000,000 (González-León et al., 2006). It is mainly a compilation work that includes the most updated geologic information of that State. This document is now available at the website Critical web mapping adaptations for this map were the integration of colours standards, patters to fill polygons, geological symbols design and layer visualisation according to scale. We are working in the implementation of Map Server free software, Image Web Server, metadata engine tool, and the full integration of on-line peer-review process including map notes and map edition capabilities.