A.A. Lyashchenko, Yu.O. Karpinskyy, O. Kibetc

Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Kyiv,  Ukraine


The Ukrainian Cartographical Network (UCN) started with the purpose of development interactive cartographic Internet service in Ukraine, research of Web-mapping realization technological means and perfection of structures and ways of development for the Internet - geomarketing.

The Ukrainian cartographical network is a voluntary commonwealth of the enterprises on creation of an infrastructure for capture, supply and use of the geospatial data on a basis of the Internet - technologies. On the main unit of a cartographical network 34 remote clients ( are registered: suppliers and constant users of the geospatial data. There are among them: 28 publications of the GIS data on the server; 5 services of dispatching systems; 1 office automation. There are 4 physical servers and 22 virtual cartographical servers for corresponding regions of Ukraine.

Founders and developers of the project: the Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography and KIGLI Ltd.

Participants of the project:  the regional mapping enterprises which carry out functions of supply and constant updating of the cartographical data on the certain regions. To such 15 regional enterprises of Public service of geodesy, cartography and cadastre and other departments today enter.

The associated participants:  the organizations which use base geospatial datasets and software resources of the network for support of interactive electronic maps on own Web - pages and portals certain thematic layers in which they are interested. There are such users of steel network GIS resources: Web as a portal of the Kyiv city state administration (, the server of Central administrative board of municipal and hotel facilities and tourism (; the Kyiv city server (, the server of search system; the server “The Real estate Comfort” (; the server "FreeTime" (; the server of commodity - price monitoring “Business Contact”, the Kyiv portal of the real estate (, the server of system of supervision over mobile objects, and other.

The Internet - clients use GIS resources UCN in the information mode. On the average the server processes in day over 30000 transactions.

The Ukrainian Cartographical Network is based on original technology, which uses Open Source software, including: operational system FreeBSD or Linux, Web-server Apache, object-oriented DBMS PostgreSQL, library of support of multivariate indexes for geospatial data GiST, etc.

The research cartographical network has full functionality for the remote creation, administration and information use of the geospatial data, high parameters of speed and rather small cost of delivery.