J. Mladek1, J. Marencakova2

1 - The Head of the Research and Development Task, Chairman of the Editorial and Exekutive Boards of the Population Atlas of Slovakia

2 - The Department of Human Geography and Demogeography, Faculty of Nature Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava



The population atlas of Slovakia is the scientific analysis and cartographic interpretation of the demographic situation in Slovakia. The Atlas represents the first comprehensive processing of complete fundamental information on development, distribution, dynamic and prognoses of the population development in Slovakia.        

The content of The  population atlas of Slovakia:

1. Development and distribution of population

The spatial distribution of population and its  distribution according to the natural and administrative units is processed at different hierarchic levels (administrative regions, districts, communes and cadastral territories).

2. Natural movement of population

It presents the development of population processes such as natality, fertility, mortality, marriage divorce, abortion and natural increase. The spatial differentiation of the process is interpreted at all hierarchic levels of regional units. 

3. Space movement of population

It is focused on representation of the mechanical population movement. It includes commuting to work and schools in their spatial differentiation. Based on the population migration analysis, immigration and emigration regions were identified.

4. Population structures

            The chapter presents the results of population structure analysis broken according to age and sex including the derived information on ageing. Ethnic, religious and educational structure of population and some types of their regional structure are the cultural traits interpreted. The economic and social structure.

5. Housing

The results of analysis characterize such features of the housing pool like age and category of flats. The housing quality and households with the intention to capture their spatial differentiation.

6. Population syntheses

            Synthesized evaluation of the reproductive process – the reproduction rate, and overall movement of population – constitutes the content of this chapter. Several maps are focused on the life quality characteristics: mean life expectancy, structure of death causes.


5. Population forecasts

            The state and development until 2025 is foreseen including the prognoses at the national and district levels.


            The years 1990 – 2003 were chosen as the decisive period of demographic analysis. The basic map will be that of Slovakia at scale 1:750 000. It presents the detailed information at the level of a set of communes of Slovakia. The Atlas will also contain more  comprehensive  and synthesized  maps at scales   1: 1 000 000  and  1: 1 500 000. For the presentation of the population phenomena at the level of districts, the maps at scale 1:2 000 000 a 1:3 000 000 were used.


The Atlas will be published in three forms – a classic book edition, loose sheets or individual chapters, and on the compact disk.

            The leading institution of the Project is the Comenius University, particularly its Faculty of Nature Sciences in Bratislava..

            In total 444 maps and 168 graphs are included into the Atlas. The effort of all those who participate in the Project is to process and edit the work about population of Slovakia at a high scientific, informative and cultural level.