PML Menezes, VF Godoy, VMG Lepore, MC Fernandes

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Geography Department, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


            The aim of this paper is to present the evolution of Fundão Island area, located in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, under a cartographic approach, showing the main urban landscape transformations, occurred in the Island and in its surroundings, due to antropic occupation, as well as those related to the several landfills, hill dismounts and land use changing.

            The study area is defined by Fundão Island, which contains the Universitary Campus (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and others researcher centers), Ponta do Caju, Complex of Maré in the continent, and Ponta do Galeão, in Governador Island.

            There was eight islands constituting the insular complex, and it was initially submitted to a landfill process, due to the sanitary spilling of the city, in one island of the archipelago, from 1894 to 1953. The landfill of all insular complex to generate the Universitary Island was the second greatest changing, occurred between 1948 and 1951. Other changes on the surroundings transformed the Ponta do Caju, which was a fishing dock, in a shipbuilding area; the area of Ponta do Galeão, was completely modified by the construction of the international airport, and the area of  Maré complex, by irregular occupation (favela). The construction of Red Line road, cutting off the space, ended until this moment, the changes, giving the current configuration to the study area.

            The cartographic support to the evolution was given by a comparative study of systematic and cadastral mapping existent of the area, in 1:50.000 and larger scales. The applied methodology involves digital map conversion, allowing establishing maps in raster and vectorial form, as well as transformations of map projections and geodetic systems.

            It was used maps created between 1922 and 1998, and all the cartographic information went compatible to a unique map projection, UTM, in SAD69 geodetic system. In that way were generated maps with the visualization of the changes in each period, as well as, the relative quantifications of landfills, coast line and associated landscape changes.

            The applied methodology of this research can be applied to other areas, such as to Guanabara Bay coast line and municipal districts.

            The maps of landscape evolution will be presented as results of the research.