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Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
Get to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027
Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027

Meetings and workshops of the ICA Commission on Atlases in 2012

The following meetings and workshops are organized or co-organized by the ICA Commission on Atlases in 2012:

“National Atlases in the Formation of the Global Information Space”, 5th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “National Mapping”

September 13-14, Kiev (Ukraine)

Venue: Kiev House of Scientists, Kiev, Volodymyrska str., 45А

Organizers: National Committee of Geographers of Ukraine, Ukrainian Geographical Society, ICA Commission on Atlases, Ukrainian Cartographic Association, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Geography), State Scientific and Production Enterprise “Kartographia”

Topics: Characteristics of national and regional atlases of different countries of the world, modern conceptual approaches to the creation of national and regional atlases, problems of information reflection and coordination of thematics of border regions maps, Software and technology of creation of paper and electronic versions of national atlases.

For more information, deadlines and registration see the following leaflet.

There will be no special call for ICA and ICA Atlas Commission members.


ICA Commission Workshop on City Atlases in conjunction with the 7th National Conference of Cartography & GIS “Digital Cities Benefit Human Beings”

November 15-16, Guangzhou (China)

Venue: Institute of Geography and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou

Organizers: ICA Commission on Atlases, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Natural Resources Research, Geographical Society of China, Surveying & Mapping Society of China, Geology Society of China,

Topics: City atlases under various aspects

Mostly local participation expected.

A special call will be disseminated for this workshop in due time.


International Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping (SOMAP 2012)

November 22-23, Vienna (Austria)

Venue: Austrian Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying (BEV), 1020 Wien, Schiffamtsgasse 1-3

Organizers: ICA Commission on Map Production and Geobusiness, ICA Commission on Atlases, ICA Commission on Map Projections, ICA Commission on Maps and the Internet, ICA Commission on Use and User Issues.

Topics: modern map production methods, service-oriented use cases, impact of service-oriented architectures for mapping and geobusiness, innovative map applications, embedding innovation and design, geobusiness models and map dissemination, (service-oriented) crowd sourcing, dynamics and influences of crowd sourcing, IT architectures and quality of services for service-oriented maps, joining distributed sources (legal, organisational, technical, …) for map production, licences, cooperations and prices, long-term management of (map) production flows, production cycles, pragmatic requirements for service-oriented mapping, preservation of service-oriented maps, process- and change management, projections in service-oriented mapping, rights management, security aspects and protection of critical SDI, smart maps, use and user issues in service oriented mapping, user-centred design of service-oriented mapping solutions, user location centered mapping, user location preference mapping, advertizing and advertizing free based services, browser based service oriented mapping, app based service oriented mapping

For more information, deadlines and registration see http://somap.cartography.at/

ICA Atlas Commission will organize a special session with presentations of new atlases from Central Europe (and beyond). A special call will be disseminated for this session. Participants of this session are requested to register for the symposium.
