National Membership
Those National Cartographic or Geographical Information Organisations, National Mapping and Cadastral Institutions, or coordinating National Cartographic Committees who wish to represent their nation as a member of ICA are asked to send a formal letter by post to the ICA secretariat in which they state that they adhere to the ICA mission and wish to become members.
A list of all national members can be found here.
Affiliate Membership
Organisations, institutions or companies wishing to support the mission and activities of the International Cartographic Association can become affiliate members. To effectuate this, they have to send the affiliate member application form to the ICA secretariat stating they want to support ICA’s mission and to participate in its activities, indicating the membership categories they would like to adhere to. Please read carefully the guidelines and explanations on an affiliate membership that also explain the formal procedure for an application.
All affiliate members are entitled to the following services (see ICA By-Laws):
- Invitation to all ICA conferences.
- One free copy of all ICA publications including ICA News.
- Free access to ICA national reports presented to ICA assemblies.
- Free access to the monthly ICA eCarto Newsletter.
- Listing of affiliate members and links to their websites from the high-ranking official ICA website.
- Possibilities to advertise and send links to the ICA eCarto Newsletter.
- Free access to published conference proceedings. When made available, these are posted to affiliates unable to be present at the conference.
- Access to Training courses from time to time as the need is demonstrated and the financial support is available.
- Possibility to participate and preferential treatment in exhibitions of ICA.
- Upon request the ICA may assist in endorsing and supporting conferences, seminars and symposia in conjunction with affiliates. Assistance may consist of the support of members of the Executive Committee of the ICA to attend and participate in the meeting.
In conjunction with the above mentioned entitlements we are currently exploring ways to acknowledge our affiliate members by incorporating advertisements in the ICA directory.
Affiliate membership categories
Affiliate members support the work of ICA through their annual subscriptions, especially since their contributions are used for the ICA Solidarity Fund which enables young cartographers from developing countries to attend and participate in ICA conferences. There are different subscription categories for affiliated members, consisting of different numbers of subscription units; one unit is presently set at 250 Euros per year; this is decided upon every four years by the ICA General Assembly.
- (Inter)National educational establishments and national cartographic or GIS societies (other than the national ICA representative) pay a minimum of 1 subscription unit per year.
- National Scientific Organisations and Technical Organisations (These include academic, research or technical institutes or other scientific or technical bodies, governmental or autonomous, that are users of cartographic data and are demonstrably devoted to the discipline of cartography to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee, pay a minimum of 2 subscription units per year.
- Nationally operating private firms/companies engaged in the development, production or manufacture of cartographic or allied equipment or products and are committed to supporting the interests of the discipline of cartography and GIS to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee pay at least 2 subscription units per year.
- Internationally operating private firms/companies (These include such organisations that are engaged in the development, production or manufacture of cartographic or allied equipment or products and are committed to supporting the interests of the discipline of cartography and GIS to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee) pay 10 subscription units per year.
We acknowledge our affiliate members in our official ICA News and have advertisements of the highest category affiliate members in colour on the back cover, and of the other categories on the penultimate pages.
List of all Affiliate members
A list of all affiliate members can be found here.
Individual Membership
Please note that individual membership is not possible: Although ICA’s work is done by interested and dedicated people, their input is directed through their national adhering body or their affiliate member employer. All interested individuals are urged to contact their own national committee (in the list of National Members) or an affiliate member to register their interest in ICA activities, membership of Commissions and Working Groups, and their willingness to contribute to the ICA’s mission. If your nation has no direct membership of ICA, it is still possible to contribute: please contact the Secretary-General to register your interest. Attendance at all ICA events, including the International Cartographic Conferences, Commission meetings, exhibitions and workshops is open to all individuals.
9 Responses