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President’s Blog #13g: Nine prestigious ICA Awards presented at the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

It is a long and good tradition to also present a number of prestigious ICA Awards at every biennial International Cartographic Conferences in recognition of special contributions to the ICA and outstanding contributions to the field and science of cartography. ICA knows three kinds of awards – the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal (named after the founder of ICA), the Honorary Fellowship and a Diploma for outstanding services to ICA. The Executive Committee decides on the awards on the basis of a recommendation and assessment by the Committee for the Selection of Award Recipients of the ICA.

During two festive award ceremonies within the opening and closing ceremony of the 30th International Cartographic Conference, altogether nine ICA awards were presented and handed over by ICA President Tim Trainor to the recipients from six countries.

During the opening ceremony, ICA Honorary Fellows Ulrich Freitag (Germany) and Alan MacEachran (United States) received the ICA’s highest and rarely presented award, the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal, for their significant contributions of an original nature to the field and science of cartography.

During the closing ceremony, Georg Gartner (Austria, former ICA President), Lysandros Tsoulos (Greece) and Vladimir Tikunov (Russia) were awarded an ICA Honorary Fellowship, including a bronze medal, as cartographers of international reputation who have made a special contribution to the ICA. Read the laudatios and see pictures of the ICA award winners here.

During the closing ceremony, also four ICA Diplomas for outstanding services to ICA were given to Paola Zamperlin, Margherita Azzari, Gilberto Fumarola (all Italy, local organizers of the 30th ICC in Florence) and Manuela Schmidt (long-time ICA webmaster).

The ICA Executive Committee warmly congratulates all the award winners and thanks them for their invaluable and long service to our Association and the cartographic community!

– Thomas Schulz
Secretary General & Treasurer ICA

Fraser Taylor is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Fraser Taylor

Fraser Taylor during his acceptance speech at ICC 2013

Fraser Taylor and Georg Gartner

Fraser Taylor and Georg Gartner

At the ICC 2013 in Dresden, the Carl Mannerfelt gold medal was awarded to Fraser Tayor. Read the laudation by Bill Cartwright, Immediate Past-President of ICA, below:

I first met Professor Taylor when he was President of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), at one of the early International Cartographic Conferences that I attended. I was involved in research in the application of interactive multimedia to cartography and the visualization of geography, an area that Professor Taylor championed in the international cartographic and geographic communities. His enthusiasm about contributing to international scientific communities was, and is, infectious and his encouragement to participate in research and development was extremely supportive to young and experienced scientists alike. This introduction to scholarly work in cartography and geography set me on a path of participation and collaboration with the International Cartographic Association and with international cartographic and geographical communities, a path that I continue to follow today.

Professor Taylor is Distinguished Research Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, and in International Affairs and Director of the Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre, Carleton University, Canada. He has the immediate past Chair of the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM), an international project by world national mapping agencies of the to produce a 1:1 million digital map of the world to support environmental and sustainable development decision-making, for the past decade. This work supports international collaboration and decision-making by ensuring that appropriate, current and timely geospatial information is available.

In 2008 Professor Taylor was elected Fellow to the Social Sciences Division of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada. In 2009 he was appointed to the United Nations Expert Group on Geospatial Information Management and to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Global Advisory Council. Also in 2009, he was elected Chair, Technical Committee III, Geospatial Data Collection, Management and Dissemination, Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas. In 2010 he was presented with the Distinguished Service Award by the Canadian Association of African Studies.

He has contributed to regional cartographic and geographical activities, particularly the application of geomatics to socioeconomic development in a national and international context with special reference to the Canadian North, Africa, Latin America, China and Antarctica. He has also advanced regional and rural development theory and practice with special emphasis on sustainable development and indigenous development strategies in Africa and Latin America. In 2006 he was nominated by the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific and accepted by the UN Conference Secretariat, for the position of Vice Chairman, Technical Committee 3 of the United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific. He was also Head of the Canadian Delegation at this conference. As well, he has been active in Africa – as a member, International Cartographic Association Working Group on Mapping Africa for Africans and Antarctica – in 2000 he was appointed a member of the International Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) Working Group for Geodesy and Geographic Information, now entitled SCAR Group of Experts on Geospatial Information.

In the International Cartographic Association he was elected Vice-President in 1984, and then President in 1987. He was again elected President for a further 4-year term of office in 1991. In August 1999, to recognise his outstanding contributions to the Association, Professor Taylor was elected an Honorary Fellow of the International Cartographic Association. As well, Professor Taylor represented the ICA on Joint Boards. In 1989 he was elected President of the International Union for Surveys and Mapping and in 2004 he was appointed a member of the Joint Board of the Geospatial Information Societies (JBGIS).

In Canada Professor Taylor is an esteemed contributor to cartographic and geographical societies. In 1978, and again in 1979 he was elected President of the Canadian Cartographic Association. In 1999 he was appointed Co-Chair of the National Atlas Advisory Committee by Natural Resources Canada. And, in 2006 he received the Award of Distinction for exceptional scholarly contributions to cartography by the Canadian Cartographic Association. He has been active in many areas of research in Canada, receiving funding for a “Living” Cybercartographic Atlas of Indigenous Artifacts and Knowledge from The Inukshuk Fund in 2007 and a Research Initiative Grant from the SSHRC in 2002 for the Cybercartography and the New Economy project. In 2012 he was awarded the Royal Canadian Geographic Society and 3M Canada Canadian Award for Environmental Innovation.

As well as these activities, Professor Taylor has undertaken research and development and published in areas where his expertise is internationally recognised, namely:

  • The theory and practice of cybercartography;
  • Electronic atlases, interactive cartographic systems and visualization;
  • The preservation and archiving of geospatial data;
  • Mapping for the blind and visually impaired; and
  • Canada’s international policies towards developing nations.

He has published extensively and presented in many fora on these topics. As well, he was appointed member of Advisory Board for Volume Six of the History of Cartography Series, University of Chicago Press, as Series Editor of the book Series entitled Modern Cartography published by Elsevier Science and Editor, Progress in Contemporary Cartography Series, Wiley & Sons. He has also edited and co-edited two editions of publications related to Cybercartography Theory and Practice.

Professor Taylor has made significant contributions and undertaken leadership roles in cartography and geography, both internationally and in Canada. Professor Taylor works tirelessly in research, teaching, publishing and outreach programmes. He is respected globally for his rigorous research, quality publications and enthusiastic approach to furthering scientific knowledge related to cartography and geography.

The Carl Mannerelt Medal Recognises excellence in scholarship and research in Cartography and GI Science. It is awarded Ob Merita Egregia (acquired) by extraordinary merits. The award of the Carl Mannerfelt Medal formally acknowledges Professor Taylor’s achievements, his effort in the international cartographic research and professional communities and his contributions to humanity.

Category: General News

Ferjan Ormeling is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Ferjan Ormeling and William Cartwright at ICC 2009

Ferjan Ormeling and William Cartwright at ICC 2009

The Carl Mannerfelt gold medal of ICA is awarded rarely, to cartographers of outstanding merit who have made significant contributions of an original nature to the field of cartography; it is awarded only on rare occasions in order to emphasise its distinction.

Professor Dr Ferjan Ormeling of the Netherlands matches this requirement, by his tireless efforts to promote and develop the discipline of cartography, alongside his excellent service to the International Cartographic Association.

The research and educational interests of Professor Ormeling have matched his commitment to ICA, and it is to these topics we must direct our attention.  His original contributions have addressed a range of cartographic enquiries and thought, starting with his early PhD work on the important topic of toponymy.  Professor Ormeling has continued this work to the present day: he is the vice chair of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, and has been convenor of its Working Group on Training Courses in Toponymy.  In this capacity he has travelled the world on a volunteer basis, meeting, educating, and directing local cartographic practitioners and decision makers; and has organised courses in countries from Algeria to Indonesia.

His educational activities have included practical studies of cartographic education in fields such as animated mapping, but most importantly his jointly authored textbook (with Professor Kraak), Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data, now in its third edition.  He also co-chaired the ICA’s Commission on Education and Training for 12 years, and presented many workshops and publications on education.

His educational interests have supported strong research work also in the field of historical cartography; his specialisation in East Indies mapping has resulted in a number of extremely impressive large-format, academically-informed graphic works, but he has also studied the historical development of atlases closer to home – primarily his old school friend the famous Bos Atlas, used by every Dutch schoolchild.  Again, the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography has benefitted from his sound support, particularly in the form of educational workshops.

Professor Ormeling has extended his incisive approach to cartographic thinking to newly emerging fields such as geovisualisation, data quality, media mapping, and environmental and planning mapping.

This extensive academic and research career has led to the publication of approximately 450 items with his name as author.  Such a volume and quality of work, coupled with his support for ICA as Commission chair, national representative and Secretary General for 8 years, makes Ferjan Ormeling a worthy recipient of our highest honour, the Carl Mannerfelt gold medal.

Category: General News

Jack Dangermond is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Jack Dangermond

Jack Dangermond

Jack Dangermond is a unique outstanding promoter of cartography, mapping and geography. His products created with strong confidence in the power of cartography and geography have influenced hundreds of government officials, private companies and millions of everyday users including pupils and students from basic schools to technical schools and universities all over the world. He is able to bridge the gap between research ideas and intentions of cartographers on one side, and real practical needs of users from many different fields on the other side.

Jack Dangermond is the founder and president of ESRI. Founded in 1969 and headquartered in Redlands, California, ESRI is widely recognized as the technical and market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, pioneering innovative solutions for working with spatial data on the desktop, across the enterprise, in the field, and on the Web. ESRI has the largest GIS software install base in the world with more than one million users in more than 300,000 organizations worldwide. He fostered the growth of ESRI from a small research group to an organization of over 3,100 employees, known internationally for GIS software development, training, and services. Jack holds six honorary doctorates: California Polytechnic University-Pomona, State University of New York at Buffalo, University of West Hungary, City University in London, University of Redlands in California, and Ferris State University in Michigan.

Jack Dangermond supports development of new cartographic tools in cartographic generalization and cartographic visualization, creation of digital atlases and approaches promoting cartography in many various areas of human activities from crises management situations to the issues of healthy geography. He is a supporter of distributing and sharing knowledge and creation of capacity building through fundamental projects on the United Nations level – such as Global Mapping – providing opportunities for young users to become a part of the development of cartography by means of grants devoted to application of cartographic and geographic approaches in solving problems of the contemporary world.

Jack Dangermond helped to highlight and make globally visible one of the most successful ICA ideas by publishing – together with the ICA – the best drawings from Barbara Petchenik Contest in a book called “Children Map the World: Selection from the Barbara Petchenik Children’s World Map Competition”.

He promotes the ICA and cartography in general, and stresses the role of cartography in solving global problems. He supports projects highlighting cartographic and geographic science potentials in the process of designing information/knowledge-based society on a global scale. He supports ideas of ICA by creating new widely-known series of cartographic publications, and has published several very influential books, such as Imhoff’s “Three-Dimensional Representation of the Relief”. He still continues in publishing contemporary cartographic books helping to share the latest ideas of cartographers from all over the world.

Similarly as Joel Morrisson and David Rhind have been pioneers of the new era of digital cartography, Jack Dangermond is a pioneer of the delimitation and definition of the role of cartography and geographic information in the realization of the Global Millennium Goals and in the creation of an Information/Knowledge–based Society.

For his outstanding contribution to cartography and geographic information science Jack Dangermond is honored with the highest award of ICA – the Mannerfelt Gold Medal.

Category: General News

Ernst Spiess is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Ernst Spiess

Ernst Spiess

Ernst Spiess, former head of the Institute of Cartography at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, was a student of Eduard Imhof. A chartered surveyor, he was a personal assistant to Professor Imhof, worked in the topography and photogrammetry section of the Swiss Federal Office of Topography in Berne and succeeded Professor Imhof on the faculty at ETH, where he remained until his retirement in 1996.

Ernst Spiess was the founding Chair of the ICA Commission on Cartographic Technologies and was awarded the ICA Honorary Fellowship in 1995.  He is an Honorary Member of the Swiss Society of Cartography which he served twice as president, as well as president of the organizing committee of the international congress of cartography in Interlaken in 1996.  He was also president of the Swiss Society of Photogrammetry.  He has represented Switzerland at UN Congresses on geographic names and was member of the German-Speaking Commission on Geographic Names.  He was a collaborator of the Schweizer Mittelschulatlas and has been and still is editor-in-chief of the new Schweizer Weltatlas, which was awarded the ICA prize in 1997.

In 1959 Ernst Spiess participated in a Swiss Expedition to the Panta Mountains in Peru, from which an outstanding topographic relief map–including a breathtaking cliff representation–resulted.  In 1974, he introduced at the Institute one of the first digital cartographic computer systems, which became a basic tool for advanced scientific work on map production, thematic cartography, and map projections.  The adaptation and extension of Bertin’s “Graphical Semiology” to modern thematic cartography is one of his most important contributions.  He has always regarded the application of theoretical work as equal in importance to theory, and he has been a highly effective communicator and teacher of both.

For an outstanding career in cartography that has included contributions in topographic mapping, atlas production, technological advancement, and as an effective teacher and researcher, the International Cartographic Association awards Professor Ernst Spiess its highest honor, the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal.

Category: General News

David Rhind is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Professor David Rhind, Vice Chancellor at City University in London, occupies a unique position in the world of cartography and geographic information.  He was the first academic to become the Director General of Ordnance Survey of Britain, where he was instrumental in replacing analogue cartography with digital, which served as an inspiration for other countries as well as other entities within Britain.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (Britain’s National Academy of Sciences) and he is an Honorary Fellow of the British Academy (Britain’s National Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities). Has received the CBE award from the Queen and several honorary doctorates for his work as a geographer and cartographer.  He remains active in research and publishing and is the author (with three colleagues) of one of the world’s best-selling textbooks in the field, Geographic Information Systems and Science.

Professor Rhind currently chairs the UK Statistics Commission, which advises Parliament and the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) on whether Britain’s official statistics are trustworthy.  It influences the allocation of many billions of pounds each year.

A former Vice President of ICA, Professor Rhind has been active in the field for many years, and he has served on numerous committees and boards.  He has been associated with various academic institutions in the past including Birkbeck College, University of London, and the University of Durham.  He also served as Head of the Applications Section in the forward-looking Experimental Cartography Unit, RCA.  He has been a visiting fellow at both ITC in the Netherlands and Australian National University.

He is well known internationally as well as within Britain and has served on numerous boards and committees, but he is also a keen thinker within the field, in recent years concentrating on the position and role of cartography in the Information (or Knowledge-Based) Society, especially in the topics of self financing, financial models and the harmonization of the GI and IT fields.

For his outstanding contributions to cartography and geographic information systems and his expansive role in the broader context of the field, for his productive publication record, and his seminal thinking within the field, the International Cartographic Association awards Vice Chancellor David Rhind its highest honors, the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal.

Category: General News

Chen Shupeng is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Chen Shupeng

Chen Shupeng

Professor Chen Shupeng is the honorary director of the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He was the first director of the State Key Lab of Resources and Environment Information Systems. Professor Chen initialized in China the research in such geo-sciences fields as automated cartography, remote sensing applications and geographic information systems (GIS). He accomplished his four-volume Probe in Geo-sciences and has supervised more than 50 graduate students at the Ph.D. and MSc levels. He is now advocating research in geographic information science.

He is also the chief expert of the pilot project Mechanism and Transformation of Remote Sensing Information (1998) granted by the National Natural Science Foundation.

He has published more than 20 books, atlases, and dictionaries, which have won him 27 prizes of various sorts, such as the National Award, Distinguished Contribution in China (1991), Special Golden Award for Environmental Science (1993), Geo-science Award, Liang-He li Foundation of Hong Kong (1996), and the Miller Cartographic Award, The American Geographic Society (1998).

Professor Chen held the full membership of the Committee of Geographic Data Acquisition of the International Geographic Union (1984-1991) and was a full member of the Committee on Geographic Modelling (1996-2000). As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1980-), the Third World Academy of Sciences (1992-) and International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (1995-), and a member of editorial boards of three international GIS journals, he significantly strengthened international academic cooperation and exchange between China and the world.

For his national leadership, his years of distinguished service, and his outstanding contributions to cartography, Professor Chen Shupeng is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal.

Category: General News

Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal awarded to Joel Morrison

Dr. Joel Morrison is currently Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Mapping at Ohio State University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, in 1968, his M.Sc. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, in 1964, and his B.A. from Miami University, Oxford, OH, in 1962.

He served as an ICA Vice-President for a number of years and as ICA President from 1984-1987, continuing on the ICA Executive as Past President for four years, as well. He was the recipient of an ICA Honorary Fellowship in 1991, was a member of the Board of Directors of the International Union of Surveying and Mapping, a U.S. representative to the ICA Commission on Cartographic Communication, Chair of the United States Board of Geographic Names, and President of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and chair of its Cartography Division, which he was instrumental in changing to the American Cartographic Association (now Cartography and Geographic Information Society). He was one of the organizers of the Cartography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) and recently was the AAG Treasurer. In 1999, he was awarded the Anderson Medal, the highest honour of the AAG Applied Geography Specialty Group which was bestowed in recognition of highly distinguished service to the profession of geography.

His distinguished employment career includes service in major government agencies, including Assistant Division Chief for Research in the National Mapping Division of the United States Geological Survey, and Chief of the Geography Division of the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, he taught for many years at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he educated and inspired numerous cartography and geography students and served as chair of Department of Geography.

Dr. Morrison is the one of the long-time co-authors of Elements of Cartography, the classic English-language resource in cartography. It provides a solid conceptual foundation in the basic principles of cartography while introducing the technological advances, which have greatly altered modern cartographic techniques. He has been associate editor and senior consultant to Goode’s World Atlas, and his innovative and stimulating articles have appeared in professional journals worldwide, and his thought-provoking presentations are always on the forefront of developments in the field.

For his leadership in cartography, for his positive influence on mapping and related programs in the United States and other countries, and for his outstanding commitment to the profession of cartography, Dr. Joel L. Morrison is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal.

Category: General News

Jacques Bertin is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Jacques Bertin in 1971

Jacques Bertin in 1971

The work ‘Semiologie Graphique’ published in 1967 by Professor Jacques Bertin has touched more than a generation of cartographers. Training in map design throughout the world discusses Jacques Bertin’s ideas. The book has been translated into several languages, and Jacques Bertin’s ideas are present in all introductory cartography books today. The ICA is proud to recognize Professor Jacques Bertin for his outstanding contribution to the field of cartography by awarding him its highest honour, the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal.

Category: General News

Carl Mannerfelt is awarded the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal

Carl M:son Mannerfelt

Carl M:son Mannerfelt

Carl M:son Mannerfelt was born in Goteborg, Sweden on April 10, 1913. His father was Mans Mannerfelt, a captain in the Swedish army. In 1939 he married Ebba Ekman. They have one daughter and three sons.

At school Carl Mannerfelt showed much promise as a sportsman and was a frequent winner in athletics. He held various Swedish school records in hurdle racing and later even became the Swedish and Nordic academic champion in this sport. He was (and still is) an excellent skier.

He matriculated in Stockholm in 1933 and in 1938 he graduated (BA) at the Stockholm University (geography, geology, mineralogy and meteorology). In 1940 he passed his final university examination in geography. Between 1935 and 1945 he made various field and air photo surveys of the Swedish and Norwegian mountain regions. In 1936 he was a member of the Swedish-Islandic Vatnajökull expedition under Professor Hans Ahlmann, who studied glaciers as indicators of long-term climatological changes. In 1942 Carl Mannerfelt was employed as map editor at Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, Esselte, and there he immediately started to improve and rationalise production techniques, as well as to modernise Swedish map design. He had an excellent ability to visualise geographic phenomena, which was also evident in his photography.

Carl Mannerfelt graduated in 1945 with his Ph.D. dissertation: Some Glaciomorphological Forms and their Evidence as to the Downwasting of the Inland Ice in Swedish and Norwegian mountain terrain. This learned essay contained many new ideas and was illustrated by high-quality maps, photos and, for the first time in Sweden, by anaglyph photo-maps and pictures.

While employed as a cartographer at Esselte he was also Assistant-Professor in the Department of Geography at the Stockholm University. For one year (1947) during the absence of Professor Ahlmann, he was Head of that Department. In 1949 he was appointed Director of the Cartographic Division at Esselte. In this function he was responsible for the production of school-atlases, wall maps, world atlases, historical atlases, route maps for airline passengers, tourist maps and road atlases.

Mannerfelt had a lifelong involvement with geography. For 40 years he was active on the board of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (1943–1983) and was its president three times, 1960-62, 1974-76, 1979-80. For eight years he was a member of the board of the Swedish Cartographic Society and its president from 1955-60.

Carl Mannerfelt’s geographic and cartographic commitments naturally included much travel outside Sweden, always with his wife Ebba. This charming and active couple make friends easily, generously receiving them in their home at Djursholm outside Stockholm.

Inspired by the turbulent development of cartography and the multitude of technological innovations, Carl Mannerfelt invited a number of foreign colleagues; most of them engaged in practical map production, to a meeting at Tollare, Stockholm: the Esselte Conference on Applied Cartography, July 27-August 2, 1956. Thirty-six experts from 12 countries accepted his invitation. They were brought together to discuss developments in cartography and reproduction techniques.

At the end of the successful meeting Mannerfelt introduced the idea of more permanent contact between cartographic experts in the form of an international cartographic association. The concept was well received. With his Swiss, American, West German and French colleagues Mannerfelt gradually succeeded in converting the idea into a reality. Although the road was not easy he took each hurdle in his stride. In 1959 the ICA was founded in Bern.

In 1962 Mannerfelt left the Esselte Cartographic Division and became Managing Director of the Stockholm Division of the organisation. Two years later, he was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the whole Esselte Group with 7500 employees. After 10 years of executive work, he advanced in 1974 to Chairman of the Board of Directors. At the age of seventy (1983) he officially retired from Esselte. He could then look back on 40 years of continuous development of the firm. From a small printing, bookbinding and publishing company, Esselte had grown into an international group with about 17 000 employees in 22 countries, engaged in a broad range of information-handling activities, including publishing and cartography.

Even after 1962, Mannerfelt followed the development of cartography and the growth of the ICA with great interest. This was illustrated by the fact that as initiator of the Association, he gave his name to its highest distinction, the Dr. Carl Mannerfelt Medal. This award was proposed by the ICA and established in 1979 at a reception in Stockholm by the Swedish Academy of Sciences, while the effigies of the great explorers A.E. Nordenskiold and Sven Hedin looked down upon the scene.

In March 1981 in the Town Hall of Stockholm at an annual Swedish cartographic conference, Carl Mannerfelt was awarded the medal carrying his own name. It was presented by President Ormeling, who read the followed citation:

“In recognition of his bold initiative in convening the first international cartographic Conference in 1956, thus bringing together groups of cartographers of different nationalities, and of his vision in proposing an international body of professionals in cartography. In acknowledgement of his perseverance in pursuing this vision and establishing an international cartographic association, thus creating new opportunities for research and education, raising the status of cartography and contributing to a growing awareness of its professional identity and hence to a new “joie de vivre” for many individuals.

In appreciation of his efforts in breaking the barriers of controversies and differences and thus uniting cartographers of different political and cultural backgrounds.”

Further reading: Obituary for Carl Mannerfelt

Category: General News