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Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
Get to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027
Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027

News of the ICA Commission on Cartography for Early Warning and Crisis Management

The ICA Commission Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management (CEW&CM) has successfully held a pre-conference workshop and two sessions at the ICC 2021 in Florence.

The workshop aimed at combining and addressing as comprehensively as possible the current Big Data issue, cloud computing, and latest trends and technologies in cartographic visualization in the field of early warning, crisis management and Disaster Risk Reduction.

The growth of Internet-based services and cloud services is leading and has led to a comprehensive view on data characterized by the terms Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity. The emergence of very large, unstructured, dynamic, time-varying data sets including associated measures of quality (so-called Big Data) offers considerable challenges for cartography which – if processed and visualized
correctly and appropriately for the target audience – can provide significant new insights for information, situation analysis, decision making and alternative actions. Experts from different, interdisciplinary directions discussed different concerns from the above mentioned topics.

The full report of the workshop can be accessed here: https://rimma.org/cartography-for-early-warning-and-crisis-management-report


Further meetings (virtual, hybrid, physical) are planned within the ICA and within the Commission Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management. Some of them are relevant for LAINAT regarding exchange of ideas, further development of warning platforms, cartography and platforms as communication tools, as well as regarding the composition of the ICA Commission Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management:

  • Eurocarto 2022, 19-21.9.2022 in Vienna Austria, organized by the Austrian Cartographic Commission (ÖKK), the German Cartographic Society (DGfK), the Swiss Cartographic Society (SGK) and the British Cartographic Society
  • 31st ICC 2023, 13-18 August 2023, Cape Town South Africa

President’s Blog #13h: 25 ICA scholarships for young scientists presented at the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

At every ICC, the ICA supports early career scientists or professionals in cartography and GIScience through its scholarship programme. Scholarship awards help them finance travel and participate in the event and advance their career in cartography and GIScience to the benefit of the ICA community.

ICA is proud to announce that we could support altogether 25 scholarship applications this time from young scientists from around the world. Awardees participated either in-person or virtually at the 30th International Cartographic Conference in Florence. For in-person participants, a small ceremony was organized, where ICA President Tim Trainor and Secretary-General Thomas Schulz met with award recipients and handed them out their certificates. After the ceremony, a picture was taken with all participants on the roof of the conference building against the beautiful backdrop of our host-city Florence.

The ICA Executive Committee congratulates all the scholarship awardees and thanks them for their important contribution to the conference. We wish all participants every success in their future careers and hope that they will continue to enrich future ICC conferences with their contributions.

– Thomas Schulz
Secretary General & Treasurer ICA

President’s Blog #13g: Nine prestigious ICA Awards presented at the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

It is a long and good tradition to also present a number of prestigious ICA Awards at every biennial International Cartographic Conferences in recognition of special contributions to the ICA and outstanding contributions to the field and science of cartography. ICA knows three kinds of awards – the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal (named after the founder of ICA), the Honorary Fellowship and a Diploma for outstanding services to ICA. The Executive Committee decides on the awards on the basis of a recommendation and assessment by the Committee for the Selection of Award Recipients of the ICA.

During two festive award ceremonies within the opening and closing ceremony of the 30th International Cartographic Conference, altogether nine ICA awards were presented and handed over by ICA President Tim Trainor to the recipients from six countries.

During the opening ceremony, ICA Honorary Fellows Ulrich Freitag (Germany) and Alan MacEachran (United States) received the ICA’s highest and rarely presented award, the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal, for their significant contributions of an original nature to the field and science of cartography.

During the closing ceremony, Georg Gartner (Austria, former ICA President), Lysandros Tsoulos (Greece) and Vladimir Tikunov (Russia) were awarded an ICA Honorary Fellowship, including a bronze medal, as cartographers of international reputation who have made a special contribution to the ICA. Read the laudatios and see pictures of the ICA award winners here.

During the closing ceremony, also four ICA Diplomas for outstanding services to ICA were given to Paola Zamperlin, Margherita Azzari, Gilberto Fumarola (all Italy, local organizers of the 30th ICC in Florence) and Manuela Schmidt (long-time ICA webmaster).

The ICA Executive Committee warmly congratulates all the award winners and thanks them for their invaluable and long service to our Association and the cartographic community!

– Thomas Schulz
Secretary General & Treasurer ICA

President’s Blog #13f: Awards of the Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Competition 2021 at the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

An important tradition at every biennial International Cartographic Conferences is the Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Competition. It was created by the International Cartographic Association in 1993 as a memorial for Barbara Petchenik, a past Vice-President of the ICA and cartographer who had a lifelong interest in maps for children. The aim of the contest is to promote the creative representation of the world in graphic form by children.

Together with the general map exhibition, from 13–17 December 2021 a total of 178 children’s drawings from 32 member countries were displayed in four categories at the Italian Geographic Military Institute in Florence. As usual, the exhibition was open to the public and well visited during all day. A virtual exhibition can still be viewed here.

A well-established international jury of 8 members, organized by José Jesús Reyes Nunez (Hungary), Vice-chair of the ICA Commission on Cartography and Children, selected 12 awards in four age categories categories. In addition, a creativity award and an award for the public vote were selected. All children’s awards were presented by the jury at the Closing Ceremony on 18 December in the beautiful Sala Pegaso in Palazzo Guadagni Strozzi Sacrati.

Winner <6 years

My Favorite Planet by Ivayla Lazarova (5)

1st: My Favorite Planet by Ivayla Lazarova (5)

Winner 6–8 years

Friendly World by Alfonsina Valdez Galli (7)

1st: Friendly World by Alfonsina Valdez Galli (7)

Winner 9–12 years

Stop the Pandemic: We love to travel, we love maps by Matvei Pilko (10)

1st: Stop the Pandemic: We love to travel, we love maps by Matvei Pilko (10)

Winner 13–15 years

Holographic map of my future world by Angela Waiman (15)

1st: Holographic map of my future world by Angela Waiman (15)

Creativity Award

Virtual Reality by Pijus Jokubaitis (15)

Creativity Award: Virtual Reality by Pijus Jokubaitis (15)

Public Award

Friendly World by Alfonsina Valdez Galli (7)

Public Award: Friendly World by Alfonsina Valdez Galli (7)

All winning entries can be found here; all submitted entries are collected here.

The ICA warmly congratulates all the winners and organizers for their contributions!

– Thomas Schulz
Secretary General & Treasurer ICA

President’s Blog #13e: ICA Map Awards at the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

At every biennial International Cartographic Conferences an International Map Exhibition is organized by ICA, where map products originating from ICA member countries and affiliate members are exhibited. An international jury selects the best entries in various categories.

From 13–17 December 2021 a total of 410 maps and related objects from 32 ICA members were displayed at the Italian Geographic Military Institute in Florence. As usual, the exhibition was open to the public and well visited during all day. A virtual exhibition can still be viewed at geografia-applicata.it.

An international jury selected 18 awards in six categories, reaching from Maps on Panels, Charts on Panels, Atlases, Digital Products and Educational Products, to Other Products. In addition, a popular vote was conducted online, which resulted in 8 additional awards for six categories. All map awards were presented by the jury at the Closing Ceremony on 18 December in the beautiful Sala Pegaso in Palazzo Guadagni Strozzi Sacrati.

Screenshots of the winning entries are presented below:

Maps on panels

1st place: La Réunion (France)

1st place: La Réunion (France)

2nd place: Regional Map of the Canary Islands (Spain)

2nd place: Regional Map of the Canary Islands (Spain)

3rd place: Central Tokyo (Japan)

10,000 Topographic Map «Central Tokyo» in commemoration of the enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor

3rd place: Central Tokyo (Japan)

Popular vote: The Topographic Plan of Aluniș Estate – property of the Bazau Diocese (Romania)

Popular vote: The Topographic Plan of Aluniș Estate (Romania)


1st place: The Atlas of Unusual Borders (United Kingdom)

1st place: The Atlas of Unusual Borders (United Kingdom)

2nd place: State of Israel – 70 years of Statistics, Historical Statistical Atlas 1948-2018 (Israel)

2nd place: State of Israel - 70 years of Statistics (Israel)

3rd place: Atlas of the Invisible (United Kingdom)

3rd place: Atlas of the Invisible (United Kingdom)

Popular vote: National Atlas of Hungary – Society (Hungary)

Popular vote: National Atlas of Hungary - Society (Hungary)

Digital products

1st place: 3D Map Aosta (Italy)

1st place: 3D Map Aosta (Italy)

2nd place: The migrations of the American South, 1790-2010 (United States)

2nd place: The migrations of the American South, 1790-2010 (United States)

3rd place: Edugeo – Module Minetest/Kidscode for education on natural risk (France)

3rd place: Edugeo – Module Minetest/Kidscode for education on natural risk (France)

Popular vote: Swisstopo Vector Tiles (Switzerland)

Popular vote: Swisstopo Vector Tiles (Switzerland)

Educational cartographic products

1st place: Thematic Mapping: 101 inspiring ways to visualize empirical data (United States)

1st place: Thematic Mapping (United States)

2nd place: Geoexplorer (Spain)

2nd place: Geoexplorer (Spain)

3rd place: Magnetic Hand-painted Map of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

3rd place: Magnetic Hand-painted Map of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

Popular vote: Mini-map of the World 1:100 Mio. (Germany)

Popular vote: Mini-map of the World 1:100 Mio. (Germany)

Charts on panels

1st place: Aeronautical chart (Finland)

1st place: Aeronautical chart (Finland)

2nd place: Puerto de Santander 4011 INT 1852 (Spain)

2nd place: Puerto de Santander 4011 INT 1852 (Spain)

3rd place: Fox Islands Thorofare – Stand-in point to Birch Island (United States)

3rd place: Fox Islands Thorofare – Stand-in point to Birch Island (United States)

Popular votes:
Augusta Harbour (Italy)

Popular vote: Augusta Harbour (Italy)

Hand cut depth model of the Isle of Wight (United Kingdom)

Popular vote: Hand cut depth model of the Isle of Wight (United Kingdom)

Approach to Cagliari (Italy)

Popular vote: Approach to Cagliari (Italy)

Other cartographic products

1st place: Geographical atlas of Belarus for the blind and visually impaired (Poland)

1st place: Geographical atlas of Belarus for the blind and visually impaired (Poland)

2nd place: L’Histoire de la Belgique en 100 cartes anciennes (Belgium)

2nd place: L'Histoire de la Belgique en 100 cartes anciennes (Belgium)

3rd place: The vividness of cartography – Andermatt and Matterhorn (Switzerland)

3rd place: The vividness of cartography – Andermatt and Matterhorn (Switzerland)

Popular vote: Booklet «To the 100th Anniversary of the State Cartographic and Geodetic Service. History pages» (Russia)

Popular vote: 100th Anniversary of the State Cartographic and Geodetic Service (Russia)

The ICA warmly congratulates all the winners and thanks them for submitting so many exhibits in these difficult times!

– Thomas Schulz
Secretary General & Treasurer ICA

President’s Blog #13d: Meeting with Members & Sister Societies during the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

The in-person ICC2021 in Florence provided an opportunity to meet with ICA members, sister societies and others strengthening the ICA. The Secretary-General and Treasurer and I met with the top leadership from Rosreestr, Russia’s Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre, and Cartography. Like many national mapping agencies, Rosreestr is responding to the technical, organizational, and data transformational adjustments required in our everchanging world. The information we shared enhanced the value in the all-day session at the ICC2021 that was organized for national mapping, geospatial and statistical agencies.

Meeting with Mr. Oleg Skufinskiy (2nd from right), Head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, and his team.

There is a long-standing bond between the ICA and the International Hydrographic Organization. We met with the Director and Assistant Director of the IHO where we agreed on the importance of the close collaboration between the two international organizations. Our colleagues from the IHO expressed their sincere appreciation to the ICA and the Local Organizing Committee for encouraging the in-person opportunities made possible during the ICC. Having the successful and safe in-person event serves as an example for other international organizations. We also committed to continue the immensely important responsibility to serve on the FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers. This week also included a meeting with the International Map Industry Association where we shared common interests and opportunities for future engagement.

Lysandros Tsoulos (Vice-Chair of the ICA-IHO Commission on Marin Cartography), Leonel Manteigas (Assistant Director IHO), Abri Kampfer (Director IHO), Tim Trainor (President ICA), Thomas Schulz (Secretary-General and Treasurer ICA).

Lastly, we met with representatives from the UN in planning for the next ICC in Cape Town, South Africa in August of 2023. The conference theme “Smart Cartography for Sustainable Development” aligns very well with the geospatial priorities for the UN Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM). There are several potential collaborative possibilities between the ICA and the UN for encouraging participation during the ICC2023 from countries in Africa. As planning develops, check back on the ICA and ICC2023 websites for more details.

Greg Scott (United Nations) and Tim Trainor (President ICA) during a keynote speech on «Cartography In An Age Of Digital Transformation».

– Tim Trainor
President of the International Cartographic Association

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President’s Blog #13c: Final days and Closing from the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

The 30th International Cartographic Conference was a resounding success! The courage of the Florence Local Organizing Committee (LOC) resulted in 630 participants who were able to benefit from a rich program in cartography and GIScience, with 309 colleagues in person. The program evidence included 563 submitted abstracts and papers, 16 of which are published in the ICA’s International Journal of Cartography. Other submissions are available in the conference proceedings. During the ICC, there were 4 special panel sessions and 80 technical sessions from which to choose.

The university venue made it possible for everyone to experience the scientific program while those in person had the added benefit of events that highlighted the beautiful art, history, and architecture of the Renaissance City. Most in person colleagues came from Europe. Other regions were represented by Chile, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.

Two in-person keynotes were offered as, on the last full day, Professor Menno-Jan Kraak highlighted the successful collaboration between the United Nations and the ICA in the joint publication “Mapping for a Sustainable World.”

During the Closing Ceremony, Paola Zamperlin and Margherita Azzari offered summary details of the conference. This was followed by a series of ICA awards, the results of the International Cartographic Exhibition and recognition of ICA scholarship awardees, all of which will be shared in a subsequent blog. Professor Giuseppe Scanu, President of the Italian Cartographic Society, offered a vote of thanks to the Local Organizing Committee and supporters of the ICC.

It was not possible for colleagues from South Africa to travel to Italy but that did not dampen their excitement for inviting all of us to Cape Town in 2023 for the 31st International Cartographic Conference and 19th General Assembly. The South Africa Committee offered a video enticing us to come along to Cape Town which was supplemented with a detailed presentation on what to expect and key dates to note which are now live on the ICC2023 website.

The Closing Ceremony concluded with a few remarks by your president on the successful implementation of this notable event due to the endurance of the LOC, the interest and dedication of the participants, and the appreciated support by the University of Florence, the host city, Florence, and region of Tuscany. We then bid farewell until the next time we meet.

– Tim Trainor
President of the International Cartographic Association

Photos by Stephan Wondrak – thanks!

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President’s Blog #13b: Thursday Update from the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

The halls of the University of Florence are lively with ICC conference goers as they move from one session to another while our colleagues on-line from distant lands present, observe, and participate in sessions of their choosing. Dependence on internet connections from near and far is not perfect in a hybrid environment, but most sessions appear to work well. The International Cartographic Exhibition opened on Monday at the Italian Military Geographic Institute as well as the Children’s Cartographic Exhibition at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi.

Two special sessions are highlighted in this blog. What was learned from the special session on “Geospatial Data, Dashboards, Analytics and Scientific Communication – Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic”? While the achievements have had an unparalleled global impact, there are more questions than lessons learned. This is critically important work that demands for more attention. This discussion needs to continue.

A second special session convened for National Mapping, National Geospatial, and National Statistical Agencies where they experienced a day of collaboration and information sharing. The United Nations Secretariat for UN-GGIM presented details on the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) where resource information was shared that is available on the UN-GGIM website. Several developing countries have been testing comprehensive IGIF information and tools. The UK Ordnance Survey discussed a collaboration with Zambia that is a model for data sharing, resource enhancement, and technology transfer that offers potential further development and use. Lastly, while the recent ICA/UN publication “Mapping for a Sustainable World” focuses primarily on thematic mapping topics, NMAs, NGAs, and NSOs were challenged to use the book’s construct to expand beyond their traditional work environments and product offerings.

– Tim Trainor
President of the International Cartographic Association

Photos by Stephan Wondrak – thanks!

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President’s Blog #13a: Wednesday Update from the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

The 30th ICC is underway. On Monday, December 13, 16 Commissions had pre-conference workshops. Familiar and new faces began arriving which was such a pleasure where we engaged with our colleagues from around the world. Over 260 registrants were in person while even more registered for the on-line option where together, they represented over 60 countries.

Tuesday was the Opening Ceremony in the Salone Dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, which was so ornate with works by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. There were informative talks by several dignitaries from Florence while two colleagues were awarded ICA’s highest award, the Carl Mannerfelt Gold Medal: Ulrich Freitag and Alan MacEachren.

Wednesday, many people continued their introduction to the conference as they registered. Sessions began on a variety of topics as part of the scientific program where a hybrid option was made available for the first International Cartographic Conference. Dr. Greg Scott from the UN-GGIM Secretariate delivered a great keynote address on Cartography in the Age of Digital Transformation. Several engaging questions were posed, most of which came from on-line participants. During the day nine ICA Commissions and Working Groups conducted their business meetings toward advancing their terms-of-reference. It was a good beginning to the ICC.

– Tim Trainor
President of the International Cartographic Association

Photos by Stephan Wondrak – thanks!

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President’s Blog #12: Encouraging attendance at the 30th ICC

Dear ICA Colleagues,

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the 30th International Cartographic Conference in Florence, Italy, are ready for us to arrive and participate, whether it is in-person or remotely. The LOC has worked tirelessly to ensure a complete scientific program, a special experience in maximizing the Florence experience in art, history, cuisine and hospitality. Each of us has been faced with difficult circumstances in determining if we participate in person. For some, government travel restrictions have made the decision for you. For others, what we hoped was a calming of the pandemic storm was complicated with the recent Omicron variant. Each of us is having to make choices that require seeking information beyond the normal challenges of traveling to a different country. From my experience, having been to Europe three different times beginning in September, Italy had the most organized and stringent requirements for personal health safety. Those procedures have not been relaxed since that time. In fact, in our most recent meeting with the LOC on Monday, they have been in continual discussion with government and the university to ensure that the ICC is compliant. I am departing soon to be in Florence with our hosts. I am looking forward to see the beauty of Florence, the International Cartographic Exhibition at the Italian Geographic Military Institute, the School of Humanities at the University of Florence, the gala dinner at the Palazzo Borghese, and the other settings we will experience during our stay. There is so much to see.

See you in Florence!

– Tim Trainor
President of the International Cartographic Association

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