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Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
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President’s Blog: A success story now in Japanese

In a truly unique effort, the book “Mapping for a Sustainable World” was co-published by the International Cartographic Association and the United Nations in 2021 as an open access document according to the CC BY-NC license, authored by Menno-Jan Kraak, Robert Roth, Britta Ricker, Ayako Kagawa and Guillaume Le Sourd. Drawing from cartography, the book offers guidelines for mapping geographic datasets related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by introducing basic principles of map design and use, discussing established best practices and conventions, and explaining how different mapping techniques support understanding of the SDGs.

The English language is available here:

As the book embarks on the highly relevant topic of making the Sustainable Development Goals tangible and accessible through maps, translations in other languages was an immediate demand. The French version is titled “Cartographier pour un monde durable” and can be found here:

The Japan Cartographers Association (JCA) has picked the idea up to make the book available also in Japanese language. In a tremendous effort under the leadership of Dr. Momoko Yoshida and strategic guidance from Dr. Hiroshi Ota, Professor Takashi Morita and many more eminent cartographers in Japan, the book is now available and will be disseminated as print and online version in the upcoming months.

To me, this is another fantastic example of the enormous relevance of cartography and maps in the context of Sustainable Development Goals, which now becomes easily accessible for all Japanese-speaking interested persons!

This translation project has allowed the ICA and UN editorial team to draft a “MSW Translation Principles and Style Guide” to facilitate the translation process for JCA, and in case there are other ICA National Members and Affiliated Members who are interested to embark such a project in other languages in future. The documentation is intended to facilitate some best practices to ensure the quality and integrity of the spirit of the original version. Please contact the Publication Committee of ICA if you are interested in the “MSW Translation Principles and Style Guide”.

Source: Takehide Hishiyama, Japan Cartographers Association

Cartographier pour un monde durable

Le livre de Menno-Jan Kraak (ACI), Robert E. Roth (ACI), Britta Ricker (ACI), Ayako Kagawa (ONU), Guillaume Le Sourd (ONU), que l’ICA a publié en 2021 en collaboration avec les Nations Unies sur le thème important des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD), existe maintenant aussi en français – la deuxième langue officielle de l’ICA.

La version pdf du livre peut être téléchargée à partir de la page accessible via digitallibrary.un.org/record/3898826.

Une version imprimée est en préparation.

Category: General News

Cartographier pour un monde durable – French version of Mapping for a Sustainable World published

The book “Mapping for a Sustainable World”, a co-publication by the United Nations and the International Cartographic Association, has been translated to French – the second offical language of the ICA.

The pdf-version of the book written by Menno-Jan Kraak (ICA), Robert E. Roth (ICA), Britta Ricker (ICA), Ayako Kagawa (UN) and Guillaume Le Sourd (UN) can be downloaded from digitallibrary.un.org/record/3898826. A printed version is in preparation.

Category: General News

President’s Blog #10: Promoting Mapping for a Sustainable World at the UN World Data Forum

Dear ICA Colleagues,

The ICA is promoting the recent publication Mapping for a Sustainable World at the UN World Data Forum in Bern, Switzerland, the city of ICA’s origin in 1959. The hybrid event is hosting 700+ in-person registrants where representatives of governments, NGOs, companies, donors and philanthropic organizations and academic institutions and researchers are meeting to advance efforts toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the topics are varied, some common themes focus on leaving no one behind; understanding the world through data; and building trust in data and statistics. Discussions are both challenged and stimulated in responding to the questions “how far have we come?” Discussions continue on ideas and plans toward success.

Thomas Schulz and Tim Trainor at the UN World Data Forum

Thomas Schulz and Tim Trainor at the UN World Data Forum
promoting the publication Mapping for a Sustainable World

The ICA in producing the publication in collaboration with the UN, experienced several challenges in working with statistical and geospatial data associated with the SDGs. While these kinds of challenges are not foreign to cartographers, they worked through them in organized and logical ways so that users can benefit from the value offered through effective map design options.

For those of you still having to decide on if you should venture to Florence for the 30th ICC: Many at this Forum are from Africa and Asia, in addition to substantial attendees from Europe. Travel and health protocols are followed while allowing attendees to meet, share, discuss and enjoy the company of friends and colleagues.

I look forward to seeing you in Florence.

– Tim Trainor
President of the International Cartographic Association

(Re)watch the first ICA Webinar: Mapping for a Sustainable World

Wednesday July 14, the International Cartographic Association, together with the United Nations, organized its first ever webinar Mapping for a Sustainable World based on the book with the same title just published by the United Nations. The authors, both from the International Cartographic Association and United Nation’s Geospatial Information Section took the 80 participants on a journey along the timeline of the creation of the book and shared their experiences.

The webinar can be (re)watched here:

The webinar aimed at those who want to create and use “SDG maps” to achieve a Sustainable World in the classroom and beyond and are interested in Open Education. It offers guidelines for mapping geographic datasets related to the SDGs at both regional and global scales. Applied examples and open data that can be used in Geography coursework as well as best practices for cartographic design are presented throughout the book and were highlighted during the webinar.

Category: General News

Announcement: First ICA Webinar on Mapping for a Sustainable World

The United Nations identified seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an effort to address the most pressing problems facing our world. Well-designed maps and diagrams can assist in achieving these goals.

With this in mind the International Cartographic Association together with United Nations Geospatial Information Section has written the book Mapping for a Sustainable World. It offers guidelines for mapping geographic datasets related to the SDGs at both regional and global scales. Applied examples and open data that can be used in Geography coursework as well as best practices for cartographic design are presented throughout the book.

The authors of the book will take you on a journey of the timeline of the creation of the book and will share their experiences. We look at the creation, the content and the use of the book.

This webinar taking place on July 14, 2021 at 16:00 CET, will be of interest to those who want to create and use “SDG maps” to achieve a Sustainable World in the classroom and beyond and are interested in Open Education.

Register in advance for this meeting: https://utwente-nl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcu6tpzotEtPSSfpqSYDm83XSLcjzH124
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Category: General News